ES-COAT serie..
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roller applie..
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  Product show>> Product Category 1
Product Name : wearable emery powder floor
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     Products Introduction

ES-COAT series wearable emery powder floor

ES-NM01~ESNM04 series used by the company are pre-mixed and packaged products designated for enhancing the floor wearing resistance and produced of unused wearable base material, high-grade cement and other composition in addition to special synthetic additives based on the actual environmental requirements, under strict quality supervision. The surface layer of the completed floor is improved and the formed base face meets the wear and erosion resistant requirements of most industrial floors.   
      ES-NM01: Hard mineral material used as the base material in floors of most industrial production workshop, capable of satisfying wearable requirements higher than those of cement floors; high cost performance.
      ES-NM02: oxidation resistant metal material used as base material, higher wear resistance than that of mineral material.
      ES-NM03: with the main feature of titanium alloy base material, floors with this product have the hardness and gloss of titanium alloy and particularly applicable to ground surfaces necessarily withstanding abrasion and impact.
      ES-NM04: with hard emery powder as the base material, this product is applicable to the work places with requirements of extremely high wear and abrasion resistance.

>> Requirements on floor base

1、 least C25 of concrete floor strength;
2、 Compacted fine gravel concrete of floor or ground faces in minimal thickness of 50mm;
3、 No standing water on concrete surface; surface evenness satisfying the client’s requirements.

>> Construction scheme

A、Construction preparation of wearable flooring(the following construction procedures are completed by the civil constructor):
1、 Preparation before constructing concrete foundation
2、 Concrete foundation construction

B、 Ground hardening material construction. Ground hardening material construction is from leveling the concrete terrace and removing seeped water till the surface finishing. The hardening material construction shall be executed and completed by special mechanical troweling operation by professional personnel, which requirements are as below:

1、 Removing laitance coating
2、 Material spreading
3、 Disc operation
4、 Surface finishing

>> Ground face curing
1~12h after completing the foundation, the surface should be applied with curing agent or covered with plastic for early curing so as to prevent quick evaporation of surface moisture and ensure the steady strength increase of wearable material; at 12h after completion, the foundation is turned over for special management. The curing period is 7d and expansion joint cutting is recommended in 3-7d. 

Product performance
Technical parameter
Non-metal mineral aggregate
Metal aggregate
Rupture strength(28d),Mpa

Compression strength(28d),Mpa 80.0 90.0
Abrasion resistance % 300

Surface strength(impression diameter), mm 3.30 3.10
Note: The products conform to the rupture strength(28d) of Mpa≧  in Cement-based wearing resistant material for use of concrete ground face(JC/T906-2002).
Copyright:Eversun Synthetic Material (Kunshan) Co., Ltd.
Technology Support: Kunshan DLINE network Technology